With the aim of expanding and facilitating access to legal assistance for persons who have evacuated from the conflict zone and/or temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine from Polohy district of Zaporizhzhia region and have registered as IDPs in the territory of Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro, the lawyers of the organization “CO”CF”World.Ukraine.Polohy.” will provide free legal assistance within the project “Public Advocacy for Democratization,” which is carried out by the Institute for Economic Research and Political Consultation with the support of the European Union (https://ec.europa.eu/info/aid-development-cooperation-fundamental-rights_en).
We provide quality free legal and informational services in various spheres of life: consultations, information search, document drafting and processing, submission to competent authorities, support of cases in courts, etc.
Registration is done via the hotline at 0-800-305-350.