We, Ukrainians, have been gaining new experience for almost a year now: how to live in conditions when a neighbor-aggressor is trying to destroy your country. And God grant that we will not need this experience in the future. During this time, we have already lived several lives: in occupation, in de-occupation, as displaced persons, unemployed, homeless… between mass shelling, under shelling… We start each new day by watching the news, and the successes of our boys at the front motivate us more than personal property. Moreover, the losses of the enemy please us. Does anyone think this is cruelty? No, this is a normal reaction to encroachments on our lives, our homes, and our territory. In this nightmare today, have you noticed how much love has become? It turns out that loving your fellows as yourself is already a necessity, because it is one of the threads from which victory is woven. It is so important that these threads do not break. This is how the threads of empathy, mutual help, and trust that connect us with our compatriots, who are in difficult conditions, are becoming stronger every day. On January 26-27 and February 1, 2023, in Zaporizhzhia city, the Fund provided food kits (with the assistance of ADRA) to internally displaced residents from the territory of the Huliaipole community of the Polohy region, and, in addition, butter, lard, and canned beans.

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